Why Yes, We DO have a Baby Registry!
So very excited to share this news with you... We have a baby registry!
If you get pumped up about baby gear that is not only functional but handmade and SUPER cute...Plume is the place for you. Yes, you will still have to register at the big box store of your choice because I have yet to find a local artist who can fashion a carseat or stroller and we don't have any of those squeezy ball things that you use to traumatize your baby by suctioning boogies out of their little noses. But here's a punch list of what you can check off your list at Plume.- Handmade Cloth Diaper Covers
- Unbleached Natural Cotton Prefold Diapers
- Infant Bibs (Several Artists & Styles)
- Burp Cloths (Several Artists & Styles)
- Organic Baby Scarfs (Bandana Bibs)
- Organic Cotton Baby Leggings & Hoodies
- Organic Cotton Knotted Baby Beanies
- Organic Wooden Baby Teethers
- Pacifier Clips
- Mitten Clips
- Waterproof Changing Mat for home & diaper bag
- Travel Wetsacks (for transporting dirty cloth diapers back home)
- Diaper Pail Wetsacks
- Appliqued Onesies
- Baby & Toddler Bowties
- Hand Knitted & Crocheted Hats
- Bath Towel Hoodies
- Baby Washcloths
- Life Sized Wooden Growth Charts for Nursery Decor
- Handmade Mobiles
- Hand Crocheted baby sandals
- Hair Bows & Headbands
- Nursery Decor & Pillows
- Handmade Stuffed Rattles & Animals