When things go dark...

I hope you know by now that when I "go dark" on social media it's not an indication of nothing happening around here.  It's usually the exact opposite.  There is SO MUCH going on and so much new in the works that I can't seem to stop and take pictures and post.   And that's pretty much how the last 3 weeks have been.  I feel like it's October again and I'm getting ready for Christmas.  There.is.so.much.good.stuff!!   

We are so excited that it's OPEN HOUSE WEEK!  I can't wait for all of you to visit and see what we've been up to.    So please forgive me if this is pretty brief this week.  I mainly just want to remind you to GET YOUR TICKETS.  I am super pleased with ticket sales, especially since we've never had a Spring Open House before and it's only our 2nd ever Ticketed event.  So I said I'd be super happy if we sold 1/2 as many tickets as we sold for our Holiday Open House, and we are just about there.   

But that means we still have plenty left!!

Grab your mom, your sisters or your girlfriends and come spend an hour with us.  In case you missed the memo, here are the details...

This WEEK!  Thursday - Saturday
March 11th - 13th
grab your tickets HERE!.
  • Tickets are $10 just to save your spot and make sure we have "crowd control" (you'll receive the full amount of your ticket price back at the door as a shopping coupon)
  • You get a Cupcake + GOPO goodie bag! 
  • You get an entry to win a $100 Gift Card
  • You get 45 minutes of Spring Bliss Shopping without having to stand in line or be fearful of other people in your face!
Speaking of GOPO...
Grasshopper PIE IS BACK for the month of March!

I think this is one of our most popular flavors of GOPO and we only have it once a year so it is in major demand!    Stop by and grab some this week.  Made with Creme De Menthe, white chocolate and Girl Scout Thin MInt Cookies.  Soooo GOOD!

Don't forget you can shop Our Spring T-Shirt Collection on the website, snag your size and pickup at the Open House or anytime this week.   You can shop that collection HERE.

   We sure hope you'll join us!
Hours this week Tuesday - Friday 10 to 6 and Saturday 10 to 4.  If you have upcoming events we'd be happy to you with cupcakes for any occasion.   You can order on the website or give us a call. 
Have a great week, friends!