What a Week...
I might be the only person on the planet who wasn't on pins and needles last week waiting for the election results. It's not that I didn't care, the week was just such a blur...let's back up a bit.
Last week started off on Sunday Nov. 1st, my 47th Birthday and Plume's 7th Birthday. I had vowed to take the day off, rest and shore myself up for the week I knew was coming. Some sweet friends planned an outdoor firepit hangout and they made hot soups. It was just what I needed.
Monday Jana and I spent one last day in the shop getting the remainder of the Holiday decor and inventory out on the sales floor, and from there the rest was a blur...
Last week started off on Sunday Nov. 1st, my 47th Birthday and Plume's 7th Birthday. I had vowed to take the day off, rest and shore myself up for the week I knew was coming. Some sweet friends planned an outdoor firepit hangout and they made hot soups. It was just what I needed.
Monday Jana and I spent one last day in the shop getting the remainder of the Holiday decor and inventory out on the sales floor, and from there the rest was a blur...

I don't think I've even taken any pictures of the sales floor yet, but thankfully a sweet customer took this one and shared it!
I think I only slept on average about 4 hours a night, every night last week, even getting up at 5:45 to get in line to vote at 6AM on Tuesday and I'm pretty sure I didn't spend less than 12 hours in the shop every day last week. By the time I left the shop Saturday evening around 6:45 I was pretty much a zombie. I was dehydrated and felt like I had been run over by a truck.
But long story short...you all showed up, it was SO. WORTH. IT!
I think I only slept on average about 4 hours a night, every night last week, even getting up at 5:45 to get in line to vote at 6AM on Tuesday and I'm pretty sure I didn't spend less than 12 hours in the shop every day last week. By the time I left the shop Saturday evening around 6:45 I was pretty much a zombie. I was dehydrated and felt like I had been run over by a truck.
But long story short...you all showed up, it was SO. WORTH. IT!

(Look how cute Larissa is in her Holiday Sweater!)
If you want to hear the nitty gritty...keep reading!
We ended up selling 352 Tickets spread over the 3 days. I'm blown away by this number. From 9AM on Thursday until 6PM on Saturday, almost every single person showed up. We had very, very few last minute cancellations or no-shows.
In hindsight, we could have accommodated more guests but the last thing I wanted to do was promise a safe and un-chaotic event and have it turn into just the opposite. We did allow a few customers to walk-in on Friday and Saturday once we had Thursday under our belt and knew how much "wiggle room" we had. These were mainly brand new customers who just happened by and had no idea we were even having a special event, so I was glad I had a little room to let them come in.
(If you were one of those customers and this is now your first E-Mail Newsletter, WELCOME!)
So many of you, who have been to our Open House in the past when it has been jam packed and chaotic mentioned how much more enjoyable it was for you. Me and my team felt it to. I got to personally greet almost every single guest. I got to circulate the floor, take a lunch break, and even go to the bathroom...several times!
We even added an adorable 2nd Checkout Counter in the Gathering Room that we're excited to be able to use throughout the Holidays as traffic picks up in the shop between now and Christmas.

Friends, we think this might be our new Open House format from here on out! It honestly wasn't about the ticket $. We gave that back to everyone when they arrived in the form of a coupon. It was about being able to safely control the flow of guests...but also making sure people were actually committed to showing up, and that they had an enjoyable time while they were there.
If you weren't able to get a ticket we are so sorry! We already have ideas about how to accommodate more guests next time. And the good news is, the Shop is Holiday-ready for all of you, including a BIG restock of COCOA BOMBS from MacKenzie!

And the return of Vanilla Peppermint GOPO!

Along with our Peppermint Mocha Cupcakes!

Which were also my post Open House breakfast of choice on Sunday after I stayed in bed for 12 hours straight!
Last week was so crazy I don't think I even mentioned anything at all about our birthdays and Plume turning 7 back on November 1st. Quite frankly I didn't even have time to get sentimental about it. But earlier today, I did spend some time reflecting back on the last 7 years.
I can't believe how much we've grown and changed. When I look at my kids and how they have grown, or when I see customers come in that were pregnant when I met them during the first year we were open and now they have Elementary School kids...that's when it really hits me. How much time has passed.
Speaking of Birthdays...and getting older...we had the best time with local author Jill Orr
in the shop all weekend with a sneak peak of hew new book How Not to Be Old. (and couldn't have picked a better model for our Hooray Hurrah Sweatshirt!)
Today is PUB DAY and books are hitting our shelves today! You can order yours HERE with Free In Store Pickup, we will ship, or just drop by!
This book will have you laughing out loud. And if you're a Gen X'er like me, or a Boomer, get ready to gain a better understanding of Millenials and Gen Z peeps (which I now know are called ZOOMERS! How appropraite during a pandemic where ZOOMING is the new normal!)
So many fun new things in the shop! Starting with three new tees, just in time for Turkey Day!