Pomp and Circumstance
This time of year, I just love hearing that song. You know... the "graduation song"...Pomp & Circumstance. Quite plainly, pomp and circumstance means "a celebration of the current situation unfolding". And May is for sure a time of so much to celebrate...some things still unfolding...and other things being wrapped up.
Mizzou finished up graduation ceremonies last weekend and high schools will commence in 2 weeks. We have our own graduate to celebrate in the shop... Miss Emery, from our Bake Shoppe team. I can hardly take it that she's going to be leaving soon. I can only imagine how her own mom feels. Even harder still to imagine that in less than the number of years Plume has been open, my own sweet babes will be graduating.
I hope each of you enjoyed the weekend with your mom, your children, or perhaps some good friends. I know Mother's Day is hard for many of you who might be missing your mom, or yearning for babies of your own. I've been there personally, and my heart is with you.
I worked a lot of hours last week, including most of the day on Saturday, but it was such a treat to see so many of you in the shop and help you put together your gifts. Thank you so much for trusting us with that task.
I also worked some on Mother's Day as we had to prep for the new countertop install today. And today...another Monday "off" and I've been at the shop almost the whole day again. Jeremy and I just got home at 10:30 this evening. The new countertop is so beautiful, but it required the moving of an electrical outlet so Jeremy went up there with me tonight to take care of that. (I'm so thankful for a "handy hubby"). We also got a new handwashing sink that needed to be installed in the counter. It all looks sooo good and it's worth it, but I'm pooped. And ready for summer vacation!
It's so nice to have the organization and extra space! Still a few last details to finish up like installing some special shelves to hold all our tissue papers we use to wrap gifts with. But the end is in sight! I desperately wanted to do all of this remodeling last Spring (adding an extra check out terminal, more storage cabinets, and more counter top work space so we can have more than 1 or 2 people working at a time) but things were so uncertain with COVID that I was afraid to spend any money not knowing if we would be able to remain open. This time last year we had just reopened after being closed for 7 weeks.
I'll have to post some pictures to social media this week, because I was too tired to take any tonight before I left. So if you're not following along on Instagram, you can do that HERE. It's a great way to stay in touch with the shop in between these weekly emails.
If you happen to be seeing your mom this week (instead of last weekend) and need a gift, we have a few of these amazing DIY Grow Your Own Cut Garden Baskets left.
Mizzou finished up graduation ceremonies last weekend and high schools will commence in 2 weeks. We have our own graduate to celebrate in the shop... Miss Emery, from our Bake Shoppe team. I can hardly take it that she's going to be leaving soon. I can only imagine how her own mom feels. Even harder still to imagine that in less than the number of years Plume has been open, my own sweet babes will be graduating.
If you have a graduate to celebrate, we'd love to help you. Now Taking Graduation Cupcakes Orders
...all school colors available!

Our Bake Shoppe "Grad Trio" Cupcakes includes Chocolate Vanilla and Strawberry Cupcakes topped with your school's sprinkle colors. (All colors available!)
...all school colors available!

Our Bake Shoppe "Grad Trio" Cupcakes includes Chocolate Vanilla and Strawberry Cupcakes topped with your school's sprinkle colors. (All colors available!)
I hope each of you enjoyed the weekend with your mom, your children, or perhaps some good friends. I know Mother's Day is hard for many of you who might be missing your mom, or yearning for babies of your own. I've been there personally, and my heart is with you.
I worked a lot of hours last week, including most of the day on Saturday, but it was such a treat to see so many of you in the shop and help you put together your gifts. Thank you so much for trusting us with that task.
I also worked some on Mother's Day as we had to prep for the new countertop install today. And today...another Monday "off" and I've been at the shop almost the whole day again. Jeremy and I just got home at 10:30 this evening. The new countertop is so beautiful, but it required the moving of an electrical outlet so Jeremy went up there with me tonight to take care of that. (I'm so thankful for a "handy hubby"). We also got a new handwashing sink that needed to be installed in the counter. It all looks sooo good and it's worth it, but I'm pooped. And ready for summer vacation!
It's so nice to have the organization and extra space! Still a few last details to finish up like installing some special shelves to hold all our tissue papers we use to wrap gifts with. But the end is in sight! I desperately wanted to do all of this remodeling last Spring (adding an extra check out terminal, more storage cabinets, and more counter top work space so we can have more than 1 or 2 people working at a time) but things were so uncertain with COVID that I was afraid to spend any money not knowing if we would be able to remain open. This time last year we had just reopened after being closed for 7 weeks.
I'll have to post some pictures to social media this week, because I was too tired to take any tonight before I left. So if you're not following along on Instagram, you can do that HERE. It's a great way to stay in touch with the shop in between these weekly emails.
If you happen to be seeing your mom this week (instead of last weekend) and need a gift, we have a few of these amazing DIY Grow Your Own Cut Garden Baskets left.

So many other great gifts in the shop this week for babies, brides and birthday...and our bakery case is loaded with cupcakes, macarons, cookies and gourmet popcorn too!
See you Soon!
See you Soon!