Off they go...
Sunday we put all three kids on buses headed for camp at Windy Gap in North Carolina with their Middle School Group from our Church.

First time for Anni!

We're praying for their safety, for their friendships to be strengthened and most importantly for God to reveal more of Himself to them and for them to come home more confident in their faith. They don't have any access to electronics or phone while they're there and we are 100% ok with this. I love that they get a chance to just be kids.
It sure is quiet in the house.
That is, except for this one...

He wanted, and darn near got one of, these cookies!
We're launching our new Fall Cookie Decorating Classes this week with Kiss Me Cookies and I needed to get pics. More details about Fall Workshops at the end of this email.
In the Meantime...
Here's what else we're excited about @ Plume this week.
(Tap Images for More Info!!)
If you Pre-Ordered our Game On Tee last week, they are in! If you'd still like one...
And if you love Anni's Felt "First Day of School" Pennant
Grab that HERE!
These come in a set of 2 - First + Last Day.
We've added fun dowl sticks to our sets to make them easier to hold and wave!
This Thursday...11 AM Only 11 Spots Left!
Cupcakes, Milk & Story Time with Aaron Fox
Cupcakes, Milk & Story Time with Aaron Fox
Thursday August 11th at 11AM
Come listen to Aaron read his book How Truman Found His Roar.
Tickets $19 each. Include Signed Hardback Copy + Milk & Cupcake for each child.
(Due to our space limitation, please purchase a ticket for each child in attendance.
Parents do not need at ticket)
Come listen to Aaron read his book How Truman Found His Roar.
Tickets $19 each. Include Signed Hardback Copy + Milk & Cupcake for each child.
(Due to our space limitation, please purchase a ticket for each child in attendance.
Parents do not need at ticket)
So much fun to be had this time of year!
Hope to see you soon!