April 21, 2020
My daughter's smile...
(today she turns 9)
(today she turns 9)

Diet Coke...

This gum... (for sure about a pack a day habit.)

I just can't even tell you how it makes me feel that my baby is turning 9! She was only 2.5 when I opened Plume. What was I thinking???

She will always be my sweet baby.
What is it with Diet Coke? I've been an addict since college. What's in that stuff? I know it's soo bad for me with all the artificial sweeteners...and who knows what else...but it's still my favorite drink on earth. Give me some salty chips and a Diet Coke and I'm one happy girl. I've actually cut my Diet Coke consumption by more than half over the last few years. There were days when I probably consumed an entire 2-liter. But these days a 2-liter will last me about a week, sometimes 2. Some days just a small glass will do. And does anyone else out there agree with me that the Caffeine Free version tastes better than the Regular Diet Coke? No idea why they would taste different but they do!
And my favorite gum, I may have ordered a case of it off of Amazon since we've been cooped up. I discovered it about 2-3 years ago and I don't think Dentyne actually makes it anymore because you can't find it anywhere but Walmart, where they still sell it in packs of 3 in the Candy aisle, but no one else, not a single gas station or grocery store, sells it at the checkout aisle anymore. I'm dreading the day that I go to restock and it's gone! What I love about it is it's shaped kind of like a little "pillow" and there's juice on the inside that squirts into your mouth when you bite into a piece (Kind of like the old "Fresh N Up" Gum). It's honestly an odd flavor, mint with some kind of hint of melon, which sounds horrible (and probably why they no longer make it)... but it is so good. It keeps it's softness and flavor so much longer than any other gum on the market. (Whatever is in that Juice must be the softness secret!).
I'm realizing a few things about myself during this quarantine.
I'm not good at maintenance. Maintenance requires discipline because by nature, maintenance is something you do to prevent a problem down the road, not necessarily the response to a problem you're having now. Exercise...taking vitamins...a good nighttime facial moisturizing routine...eating healthy. These are all things that require discipline to do them, even when you don't necessarily see the results or benefits immediately. The benefits can only really be seen with the consistency of doing them over a long period of time.
I'm not wired that way.
Exercise is a chore for me. I forget to take any kind of vitamin or medication that is intended for maintenance. I frequently just eat whatever is most convenient because I've failed to plan ahead and create healthy options. In so many cases I lack discipline.
I tend to want to focus on and do the things that give me a big bang NOW. I very rarely plan or work very far ahead because it's kind of a bummer for me to work on something that I don't see the benefit of until several months down the road. I'd rather sit down tonight and type this email and know that tomorrow you're going to open it, and hopefully be delighted by what you read!
The problem is, you can't really grow or sustain a business long-term (or start to allow others to help you) until you get to a place where you're planning and working ahead by several weeks, if not months (when you get to be a really big timer!) You can't always expect everyone to be working with your "last minute sense of urgency" to pull off some "bright idea" you come up with.
I've been trying to plan and work ahead more.
At least I was prior to this upheaval. But right this minute, this week, this month...I'm just back to surviving day by day, like we all are...doing what it takes for the moment...because who can really plan for anything right now when we still have no idea what lies ahead.
In a time like this, my lack of discipline really does rear it's ugly head.
That reminds me, another thing I'm terrible at... remembering to water plants and flowers. And one reason I'm super thankful Beth makes her Felt Flower Bouquets for Mother's Day. Something I don't have to "maintain"! And your momma won't either if you'd like to shower her with one this Mother's Day. The great thing about these bouquets is we can pop them in the mail for a pretty reasonable amount because they don't weigh very much.
Bouquets are $32.99 and come paper wrapped and tied with ribbon and an adorable handmade tag. These will be available via Curbside Pickup every Friday between now and Mother's Day, as well as we will ship them for you (and even fill out the little tag for you if you tell us who it's for etc).
For those of you who are keeping track...Mother's Day is only 3 weeks away. We'd love to help you "Love Your Momma" during this season. We have some wonderful Mother's Gifts available this year and some of them have to be ordered ahead to allow time for them to be made like these handmade mugs from Angie Johnson.
For those of you who are keeping track...Mother's Day is only 3 weeks away. We'd love to help you "Love Your Momma" during this season. We have some wonderful Mother's Gifts available this year and some of them have to be ordered ahead to allow time for them to be made like these handmade mugs from Angie Johnson.
Order HERE by April 26th for Pick-up At Plume in time for Mother's Day.
We also have some adorable sleeveless tees with several different designs on them that we think mom's of all ages will love, like this "Faith Over Fear" design from Jen at Three Little Birds, available in size XS-XL in Blush, Indigo or Ivory.
Check out our full "Love Your Momma" Collection HERE. It's honestly a collection we'll probably keep up all year, because mom's deserve to be celebrated more than once every 365 days!
We're back at it with our CURBSIDE PICKUP THIS FRIDAY April 24th from 9am to 11am. Just one day this week but as we get closer to Mother's Day, we will likely add another Saturday pick-up for those of you who need it.
All menu items in our "Curbside Market" like our made-from-scratch cupcakes, GOPO Gourmet Popcorn, fresh baked Croissants, French Macarons, organic locally grown flowers, elderberry syrup, and farm fresh local eggs will be available to order and pick-up, along with anything you'd like to purchase from our website.
- M E N U -
Assorted Cupcakes 6 Pack Box $11.99
Assorted Cupcakes 1 Dozen Box $22.99
Gallon Bags Only $14.99
Mixed box of 6 (3 Plain, 3 Chocolate)
Mixed box of 10 (5 Plain, 5 Chocolate)
Assorted Box of 6 $12
Assorted Box of 12 $22
Organic Fresh Spring Bouquets $19.99
Organic Elderberry Syrup & Gummies $19 - $24
Organic Fresh Spring Bouquets $19.99
Organic Elderberry Syrup & Gummies $19 - $24
Farm Fresh Eggs $3.99/doz
See you "at the curb!"