Can I tell you a secret? My love language is NOT gifts. How odd is it then, that I have a “gift shop?” 

Can I tell you another secret? I never planned on opening a “gift shop.” To me Plume was, and still is, first and foremost a marketplace for local artisans to sell their handmade wares and vintage finds.

I fully resisted the term “gift shop” for about the first two years I was open. Just the words make me think of tacky mass produced junk and flowers from a hospital lobby. Until one day it became so obvious how many of the purchases being made at Plume were in fact GIFTS!  I’m so very thankful that in spite of my stubborn resistance,  you recognized the value of giving unique and handmade goods when you want to love on someone with a gift.

Perhaps that seed was actually planted back on my opening day. 

Plume was my 40th Birthday gift to myself. When I opened my shop on November 1, 2013…I threw myself a party and surrounded myself with all the women most important to me; my mom, sister, mom & sister-in-love, all my “sisters” here in Columbia. They brought food and wine and we prayed together and christened my little shop that night after I closed on that first day.

(You would think by now I would have a better sign…but nope.  Still have that one from opening day 5 years ago. I painted it on top of a wooden shutter Patty left behind. Gotta leave myself something to accomplish these next 5 years!)

Not being a “gift person”, when all those women were invited to celebrate…I told them, NO GIFTS.  Instead, I instructed each of them to take the money they would have spent on a gift for me and instead buy a gift, while at the party, for themselves or someone else. (And let’s be honest, I thought that might be the ONLY way I would have any sales that first day!)

I had a gal tell me a couple weeks back she thought the reason Plume was successful is because she could genuinely tell how happy I was to see people when they walked in the door. You know what? She’s right. To this day, I’m humbled each time one of you steps foot inside Plume.

She nailed my love language! Did you guess? It’s words of affirmation (I also equally love a good HUG!).  Give me an “atta girl!” and my heart is full. It spurs me on. To me, someone taking time out of their day to make the choice to drive (a little out of their way), pull into my janky parking lot, walk into Plume, find something they love and fork over hard earned cash to buy it for themselves or someone they love is the biggest affirmation I could receive.

I never want to take that for granted.

After 5 years there’s a small remnant of that girl from November 1, 2013, fearing “what if no one comes?”  Then is shocked and relieved and cheers “YAY!  You Came!” Every.Single.Time.

While I’ve grown, I hope you also still see a piece of that girl inside Plume, whether I’m behind the counter or not.

May you always feel as loved and delighted to be seen.

P.S. Don’t forget TOMORROW is our 5 Year Anniversary – $5 Cupcake Sampler 6-Packs, ALL DAY LONG!

P.S.S. Only 3 Spots left in this Felt Flower Workshop, and then this project will be discontinued!

P.S.S.S. This Saturday 11.3 We’re participating in a multi-boutique Holiday Shop Hop and there will be GIVEAWAYS!