Who is this rock star?
When I first heard of “Beth Costello” I was working on some Women’s Ministry social events at my church that involved scrapbooking. This was back in 2006 or 2007? I kept hearing about the fabulous scrapbook pages this gal was coming up with. And let me tell you, Beth’s creativity lived up to the hype.
I don’t think there’s a thing she can’t make!
Beth grew up in Columbia and went to school at Hickman where she met and became friends with her would-be husband, Bill Costello. They started dating a few years after graduation and married in 1997.
Beth and Bill are raising three humans together (Parker 17, Emily 14, Molly 12) and one fur-baby (Buddy)
Beth studied Nutrition at Mizzou and became a Registered Dietician in 2000. But she says she can’t remember a time when she wasn’t a maker. Everything from fabric covered photo albums in high school & cross stitching to the stint she had working in a bridal shop designing and making veils to match wedding dresses. She started paper scrapbooking and card making when Emily was born in 2003. In the fall of 2015, after a co-worker at Boone told her she should put her cards at Plume, she wandered in and I snapped her up as a vendor ASAP!
Beth’s business is called Heartgrooves Handmade. (She loves the song Groove is in the Heart…me too as a mater of fact!)
These days she still enjoys making cards, but most often you might find her with her mobile crafting supplies…stitching on her stash of Christmas ornaments whenever she has a spare moment in the carpool line, or waiting on kids at one of their activities.
I’m so excited about these ornaments she’s making this year! I cannot believe the tiny little details in each and every one.
Felt is her current obsession because of it’s versatility. There’s so much you can do with it from stitching to hand-cutting and assembling flowers. Recently Beth started making individual flower stems that allow you to build your own bouquets. They are just so lovely. (And Brides…remember when I said Beth used to make Veils in a bridal shop? We’ll now she can do custom felt flower bouquets and headpieces for you and all your girls!)
Beth and I have worked out a way for you to order custom wreaths and bouquets using a felt flower color chart hanging at Plume. If you see something you like in this post…just stop by and we can help you place an order in your favorite colors.
Aside from seeing all the pictures of her creations I’m always posting from Beth, you may have also met her at Plume on one of the days she works part-time in the shop. Not only is she great with customers and makes pretty stuff…she’s a cleaning, organizing machine and helps keep things from becoming a complete mess behind the counter. Probably because she has lots of practice cleaning up after these three at home.
I’m so thankful to have Beth around. Not just because she keeps things from becoming a cluttered mess physically…but because she also has a calming spirit. She reflects Jesus. She’s become a good friend. A confidant and loyal supporter of this little baby of mine called Plume.
And that means a lot.
Thank you Beth!
P.S. Stop by this Friday and say Hi to Beth! She’s in the shop from 10-3 each week.