Joyfully Unmasked...
In conjunction with Boone County and the expiration of the Mask Mandate last Wednesday May 12th, we at Plume have removed our masking requirement for both our customers and employees.
With that being said, we want you to feel comfortable, and if wearing your mask is what makes you personally feel the safest, please keep wearing! The majority of our team has been fully vaccinated and I can't tell you how freeing and joyful it felt to not have our masks on. But there were a few moments here and there where I kept having the sensation that something "was missing"...only to realize it was my mask! Who would think you would "miss" something like that? Not that I miss it in that sense, but for almost a year I have not been able to be out in the shop with my team or customers without a mask...and not having one on, did feel odd. But a totally good odd!
We will continue to offer curbside pickups for those who are not comfortable or able to come inside the shop and also will maintain a supply of masks behind the counter should we have any customers who are particularly sensitive. If you prefer to be helped by a masked employee just ask and we will put one on during your visit.
So much has changed in the last year. We've come so far and are so thankful to see students and athletes being celebrated at graduations, proms and sports banquets!
What a joy!
I'm so excited to be heading out of town later in the week to celebrate my Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary.
With that being said, we want you to feel comfortable, and if wearing your mask is what makes you personally feel the safest, please keep wearing! The majority of our team has been fully vaccinated and I can't tell you how freeing and joyful it felt to not have our masks on. But there were a few moments here and there where I kept having the sensation that something "was missing"...only to realize it was my mask! Who would think you would "miss" something like that? Not that I miss it in that sense, but for almost a year I have not been able to be out in the shop with my team or customers without a mask...and not having one on, did feel odd. But a totally good odd!
We will continue to offer curbside pickups for those who are not comfortable or able to come inside the shop and also will maintain a supply of masks behind the counter should we have any customers who are particularly sensitive. If you prefer to be helped by a masked employee just ask and we will put one on during your visit.
So much has changed in the last year. We've come so far and are so thankful to see students and athletes being celebrated at graduations, proms and sports banquets!
What a joy!
If you have a graduate to celebrate, we'd love to help you. Now Taking Graduation Cupcakes Orders
...all school colors available!

Our Bake Shoppe "Grad Trio" Cupcakes includes Chocolate Vanilla and Strawberry Cupcakes topped with your school's sprinkle colors. (All colors available!)
...all school colors available!

Our Bake Shoppe "Grad Trio" Cupcakes includes Chocolate Vanilla and Strawberry Cupcakes topped with your school's sprinkle colors. (All colors available!)
I'm so excited to be heading out of town later in the week to celebrate my Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary.

This is their engagement photo. (I've always thought my dad resembled Tom Cruise in this picture. And I just think my mom is beautiful!)
And this is one of my favorite pictures of all time of them...

They both radiate joy and happiness! It was the spring of 2009. I think back to a time not very long before this picture was taken when I didn't know if I would ever be a mom, or if my parents would ever be grandparents. And that's one reason why it's so very precious to me. My parents holding their first grandbabies.
And here they are more recently when we were able to visit at the end of the summer last year.

We've already spent more time with them in 2021 than we were able to in all of 2020 and for that I am sooo thankful!
I'll try to share some pics of their celebration from the road. You can follow along on on Instagram, HERE. It's a great way to stay in touch with the shop in between these weekly emails.
Stop by and see us this week if you need a gift for a graduate, bride, baby or birthday! ...and as always...the bakery case is loaded with cupcakes, macarons, cookies and gourmet popcorn too!
See you Soon!