Wednesday November 1, 2017
I can’t believe it’s been 4 years. I’ve learned so much. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve taken 1 step forward, 2 steps back. I’ve had small victories and moments of elation. I’ve had months I’ve paid myself and months I’ve gone without. I’ve had days I wanted to lock the doors and never come back. I’ve had days I couldn’t wait to get here. And the thing is…I know there are going to be more of all of the above. Good and Bad. That’s the life of small business. We pray and prepare for what we think is ahead, but day after day we are flexible and adapt and give it over to the One who is really running the show. Thank you for being a part of it all!
Now it’s time to CELEBRATE…Please join us in the shop today!
Wednesday * November 1, 2017 * 10-6pm
The first 44 people in the shop get to help me blow out my candles one cupcake at a time! You keep (aka. EAT) the cupcake. As you guys know Natasha from Mama T’s has been cutting back some on her baking schedule but this week she agreed to bake special cupcakes for us to giveaway. My very favorite Mama T’s flavor is Key Lime so we’ll have those along with her Triple Chocolate Ganache and Very Vanilla. Pick the one that sounds best to you. They are all sooo…good.
I invite you to come treat yourself or buy a gift for someone you LOVE. With your purchase, you’ll receive one of my BRAND-SPANKIN-NEW-HOT-OFF-THE-PRESSES Canvas Plume tote bags…!
Starting today November 1st, not only is it our Birthday & Anniversary, we’re now open every Wednesday until Christmas for our expanded holiday season hours.
I actually got into Facebook and Google and got them updated this year before the end of November. That may or may not have happened last year…and been the reason why no one knew I was open on Wednesdays last November. Hmm. Lesson learned.
One other fun notable…before I head to Plume for the day. We now have Gift Certificates LIVE in our on-line shop for easy purchasing…and free USPS delivery! You can order those here.
Getting a Jump on your holiday shopping?
Now THAT is something to CELEBRATE!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…for these last 4 years!